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I Loved You album art. A photograph of a street at night illuminated by dim yellow street lights. Above it and a layer of dark cloud, the moon is visible, a bright white speck in the dark blue sky. Text reads: InVadeRJ, I Loved You

I Loved You

My debut single across streaming platforms, I Loved You released in February 2022 on Spotify and beyond.

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This song is about someone who said, jokingly, that they had a crush on me before I even realised my feelings for them.

I'd like to think we're still friends, though we're probably more like acquaintances on good terms.

I created I Loved You using free music software.

I used the free DAW LMMS, and free external VST plugins such as TyrrelN6, Spitfire LABS, and ExaktLite.
To compose the track, I used MuseScore.

The track was initially going to have vocals, but I dropped them at the last minute. Maybe I'll release a vocal version in future...