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Star album art. A star shines brightly behind a dark moon, illuminating its edges. Faraway stars dot the empty space all around. Text reads: InVadeRJ, Star.


Star was inspired by some of my favourite soft rock artists. Released along with it is Goodbye, the song I made in four hours.

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This song's been in the works since the start of the year. I initially thought I'd have it out on the 17th of April, but unfortunately we couldn't make it happen. Special thanks to Feàrn and Harris for taking the time to work on this song at one of the busiest times of the year.

Being soft rock inspired, this song is a fair bit more upbeat than my previous releases. The song has no French lyrics and no recorder solo, replacing those with some half-baked physics references.

A love song to a star sung by a moon, the lyrics remember their past friendship (and love) as the moon longs for either one back. This, however, is impossible. Interpreted that way, the lyrics are actually bleaker than my earlier songs...


This song is about difficult goodbyes. Maybe getting them over with quickly makes them easier.

I challenged myself to make a complete song in four hours again, and this time I succeeded! Starting off by recording the vocals, I then wrote simple synth and bass parts, copying the notes from the synth for the violins. I experimented with a beat but couldn't finish it in time and decided to remove it. I've come a long way since I attempted this challenge a year ago in March 2022!

You can watch exactly how I made this song in my YouTube video.